七夕节在英语中的表达有很多种,因为七夕节又被叫做“乞巧节”,因此可以称作“The Begging Festival”。
Double-Seventh Day
Tanabata /'tʌnə'ba:tə/ Festival
Chinese Valentine's Day
Qixi Festival
而最常用的是“Magpie /ˈmæɡpaɪ/ Festival”。
“magpie”指的是“喜鹊”。传说牛郎和织女每年于鹊桥(The Magpie-Bridge)相会,由此就有了“Magpie Festival”的说法。而牛郎织女的故事也成为如今七夕节流传最广泛的起源传说。
The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival, is a Chinese festival that celebrates the annual meeting of the cowherd and weaver girl in Chinese mythology.
It falls on the seventh day of the 7th month on the Chinese calendar. It is sometimes called the Double Seventh Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day, the Night of Sevens, or the Magpie Festival.